Study Abroad advice made easy .

Discuss your doubts, share your anxieties and find a mentor for your abroad studies

Salahkart is simple

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Transaction Fee

Minimal transaction charge

Official Partners

Official Partners

High achieving mentors

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A new study abroad experience

Connect with mentors from high achieving background across the globe on one on one calls. 

Global Mentors

Global Mentors

Connect with Mentors from across the globe

One on one call

One on one call

Connect with your mentor on a  call weekly

Choose your query

Choose your query

You can also let us know your query and we will connect you with specific mentors

Pay for what you use

Pay for what you use

Only pay for the calls that you actually connect on with your mentor

24/7 Support

24/7 Support

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Choose specialized services

You can choose a specialized service and submit your profile if you want an automatic mentor suggestion

Study abroad blogs

Find everything about study abroad written by passionate writers studying abroad.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Salahkart ?

It is a platform that connects students planning to study abroad with students studying abroad over a 1-1 20 mins gmeet video call

What do I need to apply for an account?
Nibh velit enim eget et duis tortor purus tortor, vitae. Semper pellentesque justo varius purus. Malesuada sit arcu, sed in eros, etiam commodo, lorem. Facilisi at lorem etiam orci fermentum, at hendrerit. Duis ultrices vestibulum, pharetra urna egestas vulputate a aliquam tortor. Consequat, donec vitae tempor pellentesque neque mauris. Tempus.
Are my funds insured?
Nibh velit enim eget et duis tortor purus tortor, vitae. Semper pellentesque justo varius purus. Malesuada sit arcu, sed in eros, etiam commodo, lorem. Facilisi at lorem etiam orci fermentum, at hendrerit. Duis ultrices vestibulum, pharetra urna egestas vulputate a aliquam tortor. Consequat, donec vitae tempor pellentesque neque mauris. Tempus.
How can I contact the call support?
Nibh velit enim eget et duis tortor purus tortor, vitae. Semper pellentesque justo varius purus. Malesuada sit arcu, sed in eros, etiam commodo, lorem. Facilisi at lorem etiam orci fermentum, at hendrerit. Duis ultrices vestibulum, pharetra urna egestas vulputate a aliquam tortor. Consequat, donec vitae tempor pellentesque neque mauris. Tempus.
Where are my funds kept?
Nibh velit enim eget et duis tortor purus tortor, vitae. Semper pellentesque justo varius purus. Malesuada sit arcu, sed in eros, etiam commodo, lorem. Facilisi at lorem etiam orci fermentum, at hendrerit. Duis ultrices vestibulum, pharetra urna egestas vulputate a aliquam tortor. Consequat, donec vitae tempor pellentesque neque mauris. Tempus.